Dr.Jung-Han Yoon renowned for the cutting-edge breast cancer surgery, from Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital (CNUHH) stated his views on the recent trend of breast surgery on the 19th of March, saying “I prefer to perform breast conserving surgery using mesh.”
Mesh is a prosthetic material that is incorporated into the empty space during breast conserving surgery. To fill this empty space aesthetically, surgeons use body tissue taken from another part of the body or mesh.
Dr. Yoon said, “These days I’m using mesh without hesitation. In the recent case of Uzbekistan patient, since the surgical site was not that deep, I didn’t use mesh. If her tumor lesion was a little deeper, I would have been used mesh.” He also added, “I recommend using mesh because it causes less inflammation.”
He also said confidently, “When mesh was not matched to patient’s constitution a couple of years ago, it caused inflammation about 1 out of 10 patients. But recently, it shows satisfactory progress like it rarely causes inflammation 1 out of 100.”
He has 300 times of surgical experiences with this surgery technique. It reaches the highest figure domestically. Specially, he presented a paper, “Analysis of infections occurring in breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery using mesh” in Journal of Breast Cancer Vol.14 (pp.328-332) last year and he appealed much to the breast cancer society.
He emphasized his point of view saying, “In some hospitals surgeons perform breast reconstruction using body tissue taken from another part of patient’s body according to their preferences. It is the matter of surgeon’s choice, but surgery taking from bodytissuecouldgrow more serious than breast cancer surgery itself. In this case, it could cause another scar and the price is not decent. On the other hand, the advantages of breast conserving surgery using mesh is simple, time-saving, and cost-effective.”